Monday, 29 January 2018

Paludarium Build - Marks Aquatics YouTube channel

I really enjoyed this Paludarium build by Mark Cauvain of "Marks Aquatics.
I sent Mark a few bits and pieces towards the build.

See the video (Part 3) at

Jan 2018 - Aquarium Roundup

Window Aquarium

22 litre Window aquarium with 8 White Cloud Mountain Minnow. My home made Matten filter is working well. The plants are dosed with EasyCarb and fertilizer although the growth not great - possibly due to gravel substrate.

Round Vase Aquarium

6.5 litre Vase aquarium. This tank has an air lift filter made from a drink bottle and plastic pipe. The media is Alfagrog. There is some clay granules plant media in the base and then this is covered with Alfagrog. Two baby WCMM live in the tank. No extra heating is installed the fish are happy at room temperature at the moment this is 18.3c. (It is useful to have cycled media available for new projects)

White Cloud Minnow Winter accommodation.

The minnow in this 27 litre cube aquarium were in the summer tub pond last year. I brought them into the house when the weather turned cooler in October. There are the original adults plus about 15 young fish. The Vase and Window aquarium contain another 10 young fish that were bred in the tub last summer. I will transfer them outside again when the weather warms up. Aquarium is at ambient room temperature of about 18c.

Plant grow-out Aquarium

I use this 27 litre aquarium as a stock tank for growing on plants to use in other tanks. There are some Red Cherry Shrimp in there, together with a Cappuccino Snail, Ramshorn and Malaysian trumpet snails and 2 amano shrimp. A small Chinese Hillstream Loach also wanders around the tank. The rear integrated filter and high plant growth seems to keep the water in good condition and the loach seems to be doing well in this tank.

Red Cherry Shrimp Aquarium

This is my 24 litre Red Cherry Shrimp Tank. I filter is with 2 Air Sponge filters. I had trouble with filament algae so I cleaned this out as much as possible and added extra plants to absorb nutrients. I have also increased the amount of water changes I do. The shrimp seem to be doing OK with some breeding.

Live bearer Aquarium.

This is my "Livebearer" aquarium It is 55 litres and contains Endler guppys and Red Wagtail Platys. In addition I have 4 Corydoras and a Siamese Algae eater in there. The substrate in Clay granules and the plants are fed and dosed with EasyCarb. It is filtered with a sponge airlift filter and internal power filter.

AquaNano 40 Aquarium.

My "AquaNano 40" - 55 litre aquarium has a heavy growth of Cryptocorne plants. It contains 8 home bred Kribensis together with 3 Ember tetra and 4 Red Cherry Barb. It is probably too heavily stocked but is has a large integrated filter at the rear with Sponge and BioHome media. I also do frequent 50% water changes.  So the water quality is very good and the fish are doing well. It has been set up for about 4 years now so I will refresh it this summer.