Sunday, 15 October 2017

Aquarium update - 15th October 2017

This is an update of all of my aquariums @ 15th October 2017...

This is the fry tank in the greenhouse. I removed about 20 White Cloud Mountain Minnow from the Summer tub pond and they are growing well. It also holds my stock of Ramshorn and Malaysian trumpet Snails. I like to keep a few of these in my tanks as a "cleanup crew", but when they become too numerous I move them out to this tank. The tank is filtered with the Boyu external filter and it is working well.

This is my Carnivorous plant terrarium. I bought these two plants from LIDL supermarket for £6 the pair. There is a Pitcher plant and Venus fry trap. I thought it would be interesting to try and grow these. The tank has a piece of capillary matting in the bottom and I keep this wet so moisture can be drawn into the plant pots. A plastic lid is on the tank to keep the humidity up but there are holes so any bugs can be attracted into the tank. They are doing well up to now but apparently you are classed as an "expert" if you can keep the alive over the winter :-), so we shall see what happens.

My plants in my small aqua nano shrimp tank are doing well, particularly the "Jungle Val". I removed about half of the red cherry shrimp from the tank and placed them into my tall shrimp tank. The reminder are doing well and there are some berried females so I am hopeful they will breed. I have covered the exit grill with foam to prevent small shrimp babies being drawn into the filter area. The 2 Amano shrimp also look well.

This is the 24" livebearer tank. The tank contains a selection livebearers from the Maidenhead aquatics "spares" tank, (were people bring surplus fish for resale). There are some guppies that look to be endler/guppy cross breed, some Wagtail platies, and some Temperate platies.  My 3 corydorus are also in there with a Siamese algae eater. All seem to be doing OK. I am using a large sponge airlift filter that is working well. The air pump is in the stand below the tank so the noise is kept to a minimum, Plants are fed with "easy" fertiliser once a week and 1 ml of "EasyCarb" liquid carbon each day.  I decorated the tank with a piece of driftwood and Dragon Stone, which I really like.

The Aqua One aquarium is still stable, it contains home bred Kribensis together with Cherry barb and 3 Ember Tetra. The Kribs enjoy the heavy planting with Cryptocorn plants as they can hide in the under growth. The tank is quite highly stocked but Aqua One tanks have a large rear filter area providing excellent water supply. The filter area contains multiple sponge filter medium and some of the Biohome ceramic media sold by Richard (The PondGuru). 

This is my second Shrimp tank. I have tried to achieve optimum conditions for the Cherry Shrimp to encourage breeding. Filtration is achieved with a " Hang on back" filter this also has a sponge fitted over the inlet tube and a pop sock stocking case fitted over this. The flow is good to the filter pump and the hose should prevent any baby shrimp being drawn into the filter. Temperature is maintained at about 24 C. There are 8 adult Cherry shrimp in the tank and I have spotted 5 baby ones. 3 of the adults are also "berried" (carrying eggs).

Close up of the Red Cherry Shrimp.

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