Sunday, 28 May 2017

Greenhouse Tank update

8th May 2017

24″ x 12″ x 12″ aquarium reinstalled in the greenhouse ready for the summer. (56 litre, 15 US gall)

I am using my Boyu external filter, it is an EF-05 (the model without the UV lamp). It is a 5.5 watt version moving 150 litre per hour. So I am looking at about 3 tank water changes per hour.

I have initially filled the tank with rain water - I am hoping this will reduce the amount of green filament algae the develops as in theory it should contain less dissolved nutrients (nitrates etc) that our tap water. It is also much softer with no dissolved calcium salts.

I have seeded the filter with “Evolution Aqua Pure Aquarium Balls”

I may add some Temperate Platies or White Cloud Minnow in a couple of weeks depending how the tank develops. At the moment there is no substrate in the tank, so I can monitor the cleanliness more easily.

I have added a heater to the tank but this is set to a low temperature i.e. about 20C.

28th May 2017

Update - I had the same issue as previously, too much light causing masses of algae. I have replaced the tank with a 2.5 gallon one to keep the filter bacteria maturing.

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