Saturday, 27 May 2017

Messing about in the greenhouse

29/05/2016 - Messing about in the greenhouse

I thought I would try Dustins ideas as seen on his Dustins fishtanks YouTube channel (which is always entertaining!) and try having a couple of tanks in my greenhouse. I wanted to see if I can get my plants to grow naturally, also to monitor the temperatures in the tanks, and possibly see if fish can survive in there.

The larger container is an old plastic storage box that I normally use as a sump for rainwater to water my greenhouse plants with. This tank has intake and return pipes connected to a BOYU external canister filter that I bought a few months back for a project and then never used. I thought I would try it to see how effective it is. 

The other is small aquarium with a foam airlift filter. I haven’t used this type before so I thought I would see if it would clear the water in this tank.

The water in both tanks is rain water from my rain water butt off the house roof.
I measured the temperatures tonight and the large tank was 20c the small tank was 22c. If it is stable at this temperature then it may be used for temperate fish, i.e. Temperate Platy and White Cloud Mountain Minnow.


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